Monday, February 8, 2016

Safety Tip

Just incase you were thinking about it...


  1. Finally got to Try to read safety tip #20 .... What the the Broncos win and seventy degree temperatures this week in Texas ..... We have been preoccupied .... Next update .... Please please what the top is ..... I cannot quite read it ..... Thanks .... Uncle Mike .... ( the dude Maige hides from )

  2. Wow ... I thought I proof read that .... Please tell me what Safety tip #20 reads ..... Sun stroke I guess .....

    1. What, your sun stroke has taken away your ability to read? Sheesh, good thing we don't have any of that Texas sunshine here in the heartland today. The safety tip reads, Never Jump On a Cat. I bet you were on the edge of your seat with that one.
