Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Like a Small Boat

2 weeks ago the Winterset Stage announced "Open-Mic Night" would take place on January 30th.  I asked Maisie if she wanted to give it a shot, but she quickly shook her head, 'no'.

After a few days of pondering, she considered doing gymnastics routine with Maddie (neighbor girl), but quickly decided she'd rather focus on her 'true-talent' for the talent show.
  She wanted to sing.

Matty B Raps is her favorite music artist, (You should u-tube him if your unfamiliar, he's something else) but memorizing rap songs can be tricky.   Luckily, she's also a fan of Rachel Platten who sings 'Fight Song' and already knew the song by heart. 

I kept getting Rachel Platten confused with Megan Trainor to which Maisie would constantly remind me, "It's NOT Megan Trainor Mom, jeez, she's terrible!"
Unfortunately, I've become that mom.

In the days leading up to the performance, I gave Maisie plenty of chances to change her mind about the whole gig.  I couldn't help but wonder if she knew what she was getting herself into.  This certainly wasn't going to be like the school music program where students stand on bleachers singing "Proud to be an American" while being blinded by the lights.  Would she finish singing before the background music was over and be left standing there all alone?  Would she sing at all once she got on stage and saw the crowd staring at her... would she have the nerve to even get on stage? 

She assured me over and over that yes, she was singing the song on stage and she wasn't nervous. 

On the night of the 30th, she was given a 5-minute sound check prior to the show.
Her background music started, she sang quietly, but made it through the song. 
Again, she insisted she was ready for the real deal.

Once the show started she chose not to sit with us. 

Instead she sat with her friend Ava and her family.

I asked her if she wanted me to sit by the stage so I could help her if she forgot any words, to which she replied, 'No Mom, stay away'.


To say the least, she was making some deep slashes to the cord Saturday night.
I was surprised, yet swelling with pride at her confidence.

Before long, 'Maisie Boyd' was called onto the stage and it was her big moment. 

The background music started and when she didn't begin singing after the first 6 seconds as we'd practiced, I got a little nervous.

Then suddenly, her tiny voice began,

'Like a Small Boat, On the Ocean... '

And on that big open stage, she was like a Small Boat on the Ocean. 

Sweet little Maisie. 

"Fight Song". 
A song about believing in oneself. 
It couldn't have been more ironic.

At the end of the night, she didn't win the $50 prize.  She'll be the first to tell you it wasn't about talent anyway, just about how many friends you had in the audience to vote for you ;)
She gets that perspective from her brother ;)

Mike and I went home in awe. 
She really did it.

We learned something surprising about our Sweet Little Maisie Saturday night.
That girls' got balls.

I have a no dought her small boat will become a yacht in no time.

1 comment:

  1. Way To Go Maisie !!!! Parents of stars are just groupies .......
