Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentines Day and Pork

Who'd have thought Valentines Day wasn't until Sunday of this week?  With the excitement of classroom parties on Friday, I actually walked through Fareway Saturday morning and wondered why Valentines Day candy wasn't 75% off yet. 

The girls each made their boxes into owls.  I didn't realize they were owl fans, but apparently Owl Valentines Day boxes is where it's at.  We used cut-up gift bags to cover the owls as our only wrapping paper had Santa Claus and Gingerbread men on it.  I only had one pink gift bag, so we were forced to use cut-up Victoria Secret bags as wings and feathers. 

Molly was uber-pumped for her party at Preschool.  Not only would she be getting festive treats, Valentines cards and playing games with her class, but I was planning to be at the party too. 

However, sometimes we have a way of building something up in our heads so big...
we end up disappointed.

That's exactly what happened Friday. 

The only treat she liked was the juice box.  She ate the strawberries, as long as I pulled the chocolate coating off them.  The game was making a heart-shaped bird feeder out of Fruit Loops and pipe cleaners.  There was ALOT of extra time, so her teacher read several round of Pete The Cat to kill the remaining 25 minutes of the afternoon.

As far as I was concerned, the party was a success and the kids had fun.
Molly will tell you otherwise.

Molly didn't ride the bus home on Friday because I was there to drive her home.
This is a peek into our ride home...

Thank God it's only a 10 minute drive.

Apparently, she expected more out of her preschool Valentines Party than what was offered.
It was the beginning of many school party let-downs and my heart went out to her between photos.

Meanwhile, Maisie seems to be a fan of pork.  This is a glimpse of the breakfast she requests each morning.
Hard salami with a side of syrup-covered sausage.

Yep, I'm the nutrition teacher.

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