Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Snow Day in February

I recently read a quote along the lines of  "Being a Mom means wishing for a moment to yourself, then once you get it, all you can think about is getting your kids back."

Snow days at home with 3 restless kids make me respond to that quote with ...

The snow day goes somewhat like this...

You wake-up to 2 automated phone calls (one from each school), 2 text messages and 2 emails notifying you of the 2-hour late start. That's not including the messages Mike is simutaniously receiving on his phone.

The excitement of telling the kids they get a late start is overpowered by the thought of, 'Lets just turn off their alarms and let the sleep a little longer.  There's no doubt they need it.  It could be a long morning'.

The earning morning darkness turns to light and you see the beauty of the snow falling on the tree branches like icing on a cake. 
There's a reason I craved a life in the country.

But living in the country comes with gravel roads which don't get plowed.  All this rural-ness equals schools getting cancelled for the day.

Once the word's out, everyone immediately removes their clothes and winds up back in underwear.  That's just the way we roll.  Discussions of couch cushion tents, pancakes, snowmen, skateboarding in the basement and helping mom with chores are quickly replaced with arguments, screaming, and demands.  My sciatic nerve is shooting lightning bolt pain down my calf and I suck down 4 more Ibuprofen with a 5th cup of coffee.

Ross occupied himself by shopping for a I-pod case on Amazon which he's been obsessing over for 36 hours and counting.

The girls fought over the vacuum.

Each time the cats 'wrestle', we end up with a vat of cat-wool on the living room rug. 
The vacuum gets a workout.

Unless lunch turns out like this.

I hate you Lunchables.

Some of my favorites quotes from Tuesday's snow day follow...

Mom, what time is it?
It's 9:17.
So it's kinda lunchtime?

I just had a really bad poop.  The top's like an anaconda.  You gotta see this!

Mom, it's fine if we go on the front porch naked because we live in the country.

Kuda just licked Kratts balls.

It's past mid-February and the forecast is looking springish.  Snow days could be done for the school year.

Despite the 'moments' that make me question this motherhood business, I find everlasting Grace.

Grace I didn't have to find a back-up sitter for my kids during snow days, because I get to be a teacher now.
Grace my kids wouldn't be home alone if I did have to work, because Grandma and Grandpa are next door.
Grace my kids are healthy, fed, smart and mine.
Grace the snow will soon melt, summer break is just around the corner, our floors are vinyl, our furniture is crap and I've accepted boxed wine.

God is Good.

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