Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sister Cousins

There's cousins.... and then there's sister-cousins. 

I apologize for the blurriness of my photos. 

But when my girls get together with their Laura, there's no slowing them down. 

Reminds me of Laura's mom and I at this age.  But they have guitars instead of foil wrapped wooden spoons, high heels and boots instead of bare feet, headbands instead of feathered mullets and sparkly dresses instead of mom and Aunt Judy's old prom dresses.

I wasn't going to include this photo due to the horribleness of it, but I liked that Sam was in it.  Can you find him?

The bond these girls share goes much further than just cousins. 
How lucky are they?

1 comment:

  1. They're so lucky to have each other!!! It is like looking at us 30 years later. Thank God they aren't sporting those bad feathered mullets though. Sister cousins are the best!
