Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dressing Room Magic

Aside from our unforgettable Glamour Shot debut, video-taping homemade commercials and pretending to be models in the Avon and JC Penney catalogs, one of my favorite pastimes was trying on prom dresses at the mall.

Of course Heather and Gfunk were my partners in crime, however once in a great moon, Aunt Judy or Mom would join us.  And every once in a while I remember Aunt Judy trying on a few dresses too. 
That took the fun to a entire new level.

Obviously, we didn't need a prom dress and had no intention of purchasing one, yet something about trying on a prom dress was magical.   I'm not sure if it was the sequins, the satin or the fact that the dresses sort-of fit our pre-teen bodies. Whatever it was, I don't think my childhood would have been the same without those dresses.

Apparently, times haven't changed much.

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