Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Now that school's out, someone's getting mighty exciting about his trip to Texas in a couple weeks.  Below is a school project I just discovered in his backpack. 
Yes, school was out last Thursday and I'm just getting it unpacked. 
Don't judge.

I'm starting to think he may have Texas confused with Arizona?

And it looks like he's planning to pack my red tunic shirt and some large blue bellbottoms, or maybe that's his sleeping bag?

He's also planning to see the ocean on this trip.  Good luck Uncle Mike!

Let's just say, this kid is pumped!

1 comment:

  1. Well we do have an Osham floors , inc. somewhere around here . Steak on das grill will be fine plus burgers , Tex-Mex cuisine and chicken fried steak . Ross does consume , that is good !!! Should be hotter than a rats arse here !!!
