Friday, June 3, 2016

Middle School Field Day

Oh, Middle School Field Day, you've brought out puke-worthy nerves, jumpy adrenaline and energy-expended white lips in all of us. 

Ross experienced his first Field Day on Thursday. 

More importantly, he discovered Track.

I've always felt Track was the most nerve-wrenching sport out there.  However, I've never wrestled (Thank Heavens) and I imagine the nerves involved in wrestling could possibly trump those in Track. 
I can't be sure.

Below is the 100 meter dash.  Ross is in lane 3.

I have no idea what's going on with the kid behind him.  Is he down?

The kid obviously popped back up though?  So confused.

I asked Ross if he could feel his cheeks jiggle when he ran (face cheeks).  In the days when I could run fast, I vividly remember the feeling of my cheeks jigging.  He said he kept his jaw clenched really tight so his cheeks stayed put.

Okay, so he won that one.

Next was the 200 meter dash.  There wasn't a break between the 100 meter and 200 meter.  You may note his white face and lips in this race.  He finished 2nd, which was awesome, walked behind the bleachers and attempted to puke.  Ah Track, you do have a way!

And then there was the 4x100.  Ross was the anchor. 

His 4x100 team won that event. 

He also did Long Jump and came in third.

Friday morning I asked him to turn the volume on the t.v. down.  He said he couldn't, "his legs were too tired".
Go figure.


  1. Yep, that's exactly how I remember it.

  2. I just remember the hot dog lunch !!! I think I still hold the Ed White elementary school record of six hotdogs in 10 minutes !!!! Yep , that is what that cardiac surgeon scraped out of my arteries 18 months ago !!!!
