Friday, June 10, 2016

Girls Girls Girls

It's been a girl week (except for Mike) as Ross has spent the week with a friend in Missouri.  It's eye-opening to see how the girls entertain themselves when Ross isn't around.  For example, below is a new Yoga pose they were inspired to create.

Below are the top 5 things I've learned this week.

1.  Maisie is obsessed with the Food Network on Netflix.  Her favorite: Cupcake Wars.  My favorite quotes of hers during the show: "Mom, I would totally do lemon zest NOT wasabi", "Pipe it, hurry pipe it faster", "DO NOT do the jalapeno filling"

2. The girls don't like to swim at the public pool unless I'm in the water with them. Dang, I could've swore we'd passed this stage.  Maybe next year.  In the meantime, I'm the shark and they ride on my back as I swim underwater.  I know you're jealous.

3.  Maisie added Try Cheesecake to her summer bucket list.  She tried it, she loved it.  Molly wasn't impressed.  Bucket list: Check.

4. Bugs are no good.  Molly peed the bed earlier this week.  I had to remake her bed at 1:45 a.m.  I tucked her in with dry clothes and fresh bedding.  As I finished she exclaimed, "No, I cant, I HATE this yellow blanket.  It has pretend bugs on it, I can't use it."

5.  Glamour Shots in the woods can't end well.  Yep, we've been out of school for a week or two and we're already scraping for things to do.  On a desperate whim, we decided to take Glamour Shot photos in the woods.  Do you know how thick the weeds and poison ivy are in June?  Very.
I snapped a few shots of each girl before we realized we'd all been bit on our thighs by something that stung.  We ran back to the house and decided the woods were a terrible idea.  Now we were itchy, sweaty and bitten. 

The girls photos from our little 'photo shoot' are below. 

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