Monday, June 26, 2017

Braces and Barbies

I remember being around 8 years old and using the milk lid pull-tab as 'pretend braces'.  Man, if that didn't make look like a teenager, I didn't know what would. 
I guess I also faked being nearly blind in my 5th grade eye exam, but that was only because I DESPERATELY wanted glasses to be twinsies with my best friend.  Apparently I had a craving for some sort of medical intervention at an early age...

On that note, today was Molly's best day ever.  It's no secret she has an underbite, which somehow makes her resemble Gfunk.  However, Gfunk had false teeth; so go figure.

Molly finally reached the point where her dentist suggested she visit an orthodontist to determine the next steps in an effort to protect her killer smile.

After careful examination of her bite, her age, her permanent teeth yet to appear, and the baby teeth she still has, it was determined she would benefit from braces on her upper teeth...the sooner the better.

I wouldn't have guessed in a million years Molly would be our first experience with braces, yet here we are!  She was basically mute throughout the entire examination, but when the dentist and nurse left the room I asked her what she thought about getting braces this summer....

With clenched fists, a slight squeal and excited giggle, you would have thought she'd just won the  Jackpot.
Do you even KNOW how huge getting braces was to an almost 7 year old!??
Apparently it even trumps my attempts with the milk jug lid.

And that was even BEFORE the nurse showed Molly all the colors she could have in her braces.  O.M.G.!!!!

And because my little love was nervous beforehand, I bribed her by telling her we'd look for birthday ideas at Walmart afterward. 
We're extra fancy like that.

These are a few things she is currently passionate about:

This is a horse.  
It lives in a padded purse and has a hole to stick it's head out for oxygen. 
Bless his/her heart. 

This is a wheelchair for an 18-inch doll.  Aka: generic American Girl Doll. This item on the wish list goes back to the first paragraph of this post regarding craving medical intervention...
 And after an endless search for an 18-inch doll that in Molly's words "Does Not Have White Hair, we found this beauty".  She's called Brunette Ballerina. 
She's all about brown hair these days.

Maisie went ahead and picked the doll she wished for.
She's called "Baker". 
Again, it appears we're craving a little more color these days.

This special item is also on the list.  It involves a blue plastic Walmart basket filled with fake food for an 18-inch doll. 

Okay, sure honey...

And that was even BEFORE we entered the Barbie aisle. 
So there's this dog whose collar lights up includes a stethoscope, bone AND eardrum light/reflex checker! 
 Can you even imagine the scenarios you could play out with this little pooch!

 And lastly she selected Emerald Check Fashionista Barbie. 
Again, she's into brunettes these days. 
And not to take anything away from her gorgeousness, but honestly that dress?  

What ever happened to the true fashion of Barbie....

And the townhouse! 
Oh my!


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