Friday, June 2, 2017

Too Much Randomness

  1. A couple of my favorites...

I went to MAC for eyeliner and wound with a makeover.  I may be a sucker, yet somehow my sun spots are gone... SOLD!

And the boys had another campout.

Mack also needs a root canal.  He remembers the pain in the same spot from China. He said a doctor scraped some stuff off and it smelled nasty.  Apparently it came back.  Appointment is scheduled for next week.  Thank God for dental insurance.

 Maisie has a handful of Summer Fun ahead!  Thanks for the craft books Aunt Kelly!

However, she and her best friend Kayla did basketball camp together this week. Wow... SO Many Memories of HOT summer camps! 

Not sure basketball is her sport... or any sport is her sport, but she loved being with her friends!

And we're getting ready to send my friend Emily and her family off to China for little Ben in just 2  short weeks.  We're always up for a party with adoptive friends!  Next year there will be 3 more Asians in the shot.  Must be something in the water?

And Mack had his first baseball game.  Didn't find out till game day he needed game pants and didn't have a jersey.  Apparently we still have a little language barrier.  However, it's a small town and people are willing to share and donate. 
Thanks to a wild pitch, he ended up on base and eventually scored. Success!

Molly had another playdate today.  This one was on the verge of tears everytime the word 'Mom' was mentioned.  But her mom was at work all day so distraction was key. 
I couldn't be any more glad to be a teacher and have the summer off with my babes. 
I know I'm from the 90's but, Oooh Heaven is a Place on Earth!

1 comment:

  1. Looking good, sister. Is that our old Barbie swimming pool?!
