Sunday, June 18, 2017

Summer Lovin

The kids had their official swimming lessons at the pool last week.  The weather was hotter than a rats ass and the water was perfect.  These are a few of "The Faces of Maisie" while she waits her turn to jump in.

Molly was hesitant to jump off the diving board this year.  I thought for sure she'd be flipping off the edge by the end of the week, but it wasn't in the cards this year. 

Perhaps if there hadn't been some creepy old guy under the diving board....

Meanwhile, the girls are going through a 'piss each other off' phase.  It was so ridiculous I snapped these photos one morning as they woke me up arguing at my bedside.  Maisie was trying her hardest to squeeze out tears as Molly was perfecting her bottom lip fold and laughing at Maisie. 

It's a good thing their cute.

One of the perks of living a mile away from a winery is once in a while, the winery has karoke night. And because we're the couple who brings our kids to a bar, Maisie finally got to sing The Fight Song again infront of an audience.  Mike and I sang along.
And this handsome fella and I got out there as well.

 Oh Summer Lovin' Had Me a Blast!

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