Thursday, June 8, 2017

Wordless, Photos and my Loves

I meant to post the next series of photos yesterday and call them, "Wordless Wednesday".  But then life happened and it didn't work out.  Anyway, it's all about a story where the PHOTOS tell their own story.  Kinda fun.

In the meantime, we've been ball diamond rats.  And this cute little Asian of mine.. he's pitching!  When he's not playing 2nd base, he pitches.. who knew!

My 4 loves trying to get Molly on a rope swing.

This morning I was driving to Winterset and passed a house with a bunch of glads growing along the north side of their house. I was tempted to stop, but knew I'd look like a stalker, so I didn't. So many colors... the height... the amount of blooms. 
I couldn't help but think of G'funk and her Glads.
My heart felt a little pinch and I looked at my girls and knew she was with me.

For example, here they are devouring Ice Cream Drumsticks like nobodies business.

And remember her old bathroom... and all the baby powder and white shoulders perfume? 

Yep, she's totally here.

1 comment:

  1. G'Funk was in my thoughts today too when I saw a decoy owl on a neighbor's deck "so birds don't shit all over the porch". Miss her!
