Friday, September 29, 2017

Garage Sale Heat, Meal Prep and Waiting

Last week was seriously, the HOTTEST first weekend of fall I remember in a very long time.
We just so happened to have a massive garage sale going on at the same time.

What is it with fundraisers and heat?

Molly was wishing she'd remembered a pony tail holder to get that hair off her neck Friday evening. Maisie just had to hold it for her.

The lemonade stand was a pathetic attempt to earn extra profit.  The girls ate and drank the majority of the inventory and the first 25 cents was found within the landscaping.

It kept them out of our hair.

Regardless of the work involved pulling it off, we ended up making over $2000 and got rid of a lot of crap.

I've also realized most of the junk I hold onto is just that. 

Junk nobody wants. 
Most of it I couldn't even GIVE away.  
We all need a moment for that lesson to soak in.

These days, as I work to figure out this full-time career, mother of soon to be 5, I've learned weekend meal prep is the only way to go.

Sundays are all about getting AT LEAST 4 oven-ready meals prepped.  Boiling eggs, making dog treats, getting the cold luncher snacks and sandwiches prepped, vegetables diced and bread baked.   2 loads of laundry HAVE to run each day and the dishwasher runs once, if not twice/day.   This weeks menu included Pot Pie, Harvest Quinoa Soup, Broccoli Chicken and Rice and Chicken Taco meat.  Can you tell chicken was on sale last week?

Speaking of getting rid of things we no longer need, Molly is riding a 2 wheeler like nobodies business and doesn't mind parting with her powerwheels.  Apparently Frozen is 'so two years ago' anyway.

And yes, our little guy is anxiously waiting for us to come for him.
I can hardly stand the cuteness factor.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hydration and Socialization

A year ago we were Google translating EVERYTHING. 
Today Mack played in his first home football game. 
He plays on 'special teams' and goes in for maybe 20 seconds at a time when his team is kicking to the other team.

The focus on hydration throughout the game stood out to me as I sat in the bleachers. 
Especially with our Mack.
Mack has always loved beverages... so much more than food.  The drinks are just 'where it's at' for him. 
Once I noticed it, I couldn't help but point out to Mike, "Mack goes into the game, does a small jog- like 10 seconds- , then runs directly to the water bottles on the sidelines".  
I mean, #15 is seriously hydrating himself well!

Runnin' in for a drink...

And when I stopping focusing on Mack's hydration levels and wondering if I'd need to clean the toilet rims in the morning, I discovered someone on the sideline who just didn't belong. 

It's Ross. 
Mr. Personality found a way to weasel his way onto the sideline to chat up the 7th graders during the game.
This boy of mine... honestly. 
He loves nothing more than good conversation and isn't afraid to invite himself into one, wherever it may be.

But ultimately, these two young men of mine have SO much in common.  Mack knows football may not be 'his thing'.  But he absolutely LOVES being around other kids and being part of a team.  Number 15 may not touch the ball AT ALL this fall, but he's a Roadrunner, he's number 15 and he's Mack. 
We thank God he showed up, the team just wouldn't be complete without him.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Cowboys and Roadrunners

Man is this year different from last. For the past two years Ross has been a Winterset Cowboy.  He was #5 and a talented running back.  He touched the ball often throughout the game.  Even though Ross was attending I-35 last fall, he was still able to play for the Winterset Cowboys.  He could have continued playing for the Cowboys this fall, but his circle of friends has shifted to Roadrunner territory. 

He made the switch and and became an official I-35 Roadrunner this fall.

He is no longer #5, no longer a Cowboy, no longer a running back. 
My boy is an I-35 Tight End and Nose Tackle.
Whatever that means, right?

He's #33. 
In the back with the black forearm pads. 
He's discovered a love for playing defense, and pretty much rocks at it too.
I was a little bummed he doesn't seem to touch the ball as much as he did as a Cowboy...

until I uploaded photos and realized he IS touching the ball more than I realized.  That's my boy, with his hands all over that football. 

Time continues to pass and life continues to evolve.  
How lucky am I, to get a front row seat to some of the best days of my life.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

My Little Indian

It's no secret, this boy has always had a sweet spot for Mother Nature.  
Looking back at these photos makes me remember how intense and passionate he is when it comes to outdoors and storage boxes.
It also makes me realize I need to switch back to using my good camera instead of my phone, but that's for another post.

Ross and Mack have developed a fondness for fishing.  When I told Ross he was becoming quite the fisherman, he responded, "Fishing's actually pretty fun". 

Having a cool tackle box from Uncle Donn doesn't hurt either.

The I-35 School district doesn't have air conditioning.  Therefore on Thursday, there was a 2-hour early out due to heat.  Ross spent the afternoon at the pond where he caught these 3 bad boys for dinner.
He swears it was the new $3 lure he bought at Fickes Hardware store in St. Charles with some birthday money.  Apparently it smells like raspberries and was the secret weapon to snagging them.

Regardless of how nasty his hands smell and the fact that he carried these 3 fish, dripping wet into the living room to show me his catch, he always has, and he always will, have my heart in a way unlike anyone else.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Our Boy Is Waiting

This week we received Letter Of Approval on our handsome 7 year old.  According to his nanny, he is "so ready" for us to come for him.  He just began attending public school (kindergarten because they couldn't get any resources for him to attend 1st grade).   

Something about his smile, his little teeth, the sparkle in his eyes and the intent of his gaze make me say, "ding, ding, ding. this one is MINE!"  I've written about the ache I felt knowing Mack was mine, living across the globe and wanting nothing more than to bring him home forever.  I looked at Macks orphan photos and imagined my Ross in his shoes.  God has His ways of getting His babies home.  Now that Mack's home and OURS, my heart is clinging to the idea of wrapping Jayson up in a forever hug and welcoming him to live in my heart for eternity.  

I clearly remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Maisie.  It's no secret she was MORE than planned.  Mike openly shares the details of that summer when the topic comes up.

It was our anniversary.  August 14, 2007.  I had miscarried 5 months prior which shattered me, yet made me realize God clearly had a plan for our family.  I peed on the stick, and forced myself not to look at the results until after I got out of the shower.
It was a +.  
Racing downstairs, buck naked, showing Mike the stick and wishing him "Happy Anniversary" will forever be a permanent snapshot in my mind.  

After Mack came home last September, we didn't know we'd adopt again.  Seriously, the cost is beyond crazy and adjusting to a foreign speaking child is a challenge in itself.  However, there was a constant tug at my heart.  And yes, I'm the conservative one in the relationship.  Therefore, the door never shut.  There were a few Chinese kids' files we'd look at and discuss, but nothing that made us stop and press the 'go' button.

That's when I saw the video and read the story of Jayson.
I clearly remember it was March 2017.  A good friend of mine had instant contact with Jayson's orphanage director and asked for an update on him.

Ironically, I woke up the next morning, took a shower and was beginning to get ready for work when I got the results of the update.  The video had my heart from the start.  I wasn't going to let this kid go. He was OURS.

I stepped out of the bathroom, again buck naked (for shock value, of course), and literally told Mike if we could just try for this little boy I'd never ask for anything again.

Apparently it worked because 6 months later, here we are.

Yes, we've spoken with him.  This was his birthday with his orphanage director.

And us.  Ross, laid back as ever.

Of course there will be more and more updates.  But today my heart is full knowing my 5th baby is waiting eagerly for our arrival, and knowing China said "A-Ok".  Hoping to get him on or around my birthday. 
How great is our God?!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Driving the Boat

We stocked up at Aldi's Sunday.  We usually do pretty well, but this time the raspberries were iffy.  Molly ate the majority of the package before she decided they tasted like 'workshop'.

So we wandered down to the pond looking for the boys.  Fishing is a popular hobby around here these days.

Mack invited Molly and I to ride the boat and before I knew it, he made up a game and taught Molly to drive the boat.

He'd throw a fishing bobber across the pond while Molly drove the boat to the bobber.  Basically, like fetch.

 Maisie wasn't far behind.

The kids have changed but the scenery remains the same.
Man, how we've grown.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Ross' 12th

I survived my first week working full-time since 2005.
10 months to go until summer break.

The kids at I-35 are obsessed over just the mention of ramen noodles.  (I don't dare tell them it's a staple for my kids too). 
So I challenged these noodle lovers to create their own, healthier version of ramen noodles. 
We took a few photos of the product incase we start a class blog. 
You never know.

I've got TWO football players in my house this fall.
Thank God Papa Boyd is happy to help taxi them back and forth from the never ending practices each night.

Also, in Child Development we're learning all about pregnancy and fetal development.  
I think I'm a tad bit obsessed with birthday party games as my students had the opportunity to play "Pin the Baby on the Uterus" Friday.

Speaking of parties....

We celebrated Ross turning 12 with a bang!  Frog legs (caught by the guests) Better than Sex Cake, Pond Swimming, Fishing and Creek Exploring were the themes.  The weather was perfect, the boys were pumped and I'll leave the details to them to share at future class reunions. 

 The line-up to the shower after coming in from the pond.

Good Friends Know All Your Stories.
Best Friends Helped Your Write Them.

Happy 12th to my baby boy.