Saturday, February 3, 2018

My Sweet Slimy Girl

10 years ago I had a bun in the oven.
We had recently found out it was a girl and I quickly realized just how badly I wanted it to be a girl.  We learned of her existence on our 3rd anniversary.

Little did I realize we'd cloned a little girl who would constantly remind me of myself.  I clearly remember LOVING science experiments.  I was fascinated with hands on crafts and eventually realized I loved creating things in the kitchen and learning of ingredient reactions and results.

So this girl of mine and I spent the afternoon experimenting with a drink lab.  The photo below as actually taken in the pantry with the lights off.  It was all about a vanilla shake and a black light reflecting the casein of the milk proteins in the dark.
 It was cool

Remember the days of heating a marshmallow in the microwave until it swelled to the size of a volleyball, then having to scrub the impossible-to-clean bowl afterwards?  But the slightly over-burnt, golden-edged, crispy marshmallow was totally worth it?  Yeah, we did that today too.
However, Maisie being Maisie decided she wanted to knead it with powdered sugar to see if she could make it 'edible slime'. 
I love her thought pattern.

A couple weeks ago she was excited to try her hand at 'butter slime'.  Being the curious scientist mom I am, I drove to the West Des Moines Walmart to buy the glue and clay we needed for the experiment.  I could have swore we had the StaFlow Starch already.  It wasn't until we got home and I couldn't find the Sta-Flo did I panic.  We substituted borax and it was a disaster.
BUT, as I noticed the dog treat tub was empty this week, I discovered the missing Sta-Flow Starch bottle had been sitting in the wrong basket!  I know... me and my baskets.

In the meantime, my little Science Kid has found a new way to experiment with slimes...
 All it takes is a cooling rack.  Super satisfying to watch.  She'll do this for hours.
But that's just the beginning
Once is falls into a heap; you can squeeze it.  And it creates air bubbles.  Not unlike bubble wrap! 
I know!

I struggle to 'play' anymore.  Barbies, Dolls, School... however this girl totally takes me back to childhood and makes me want to explore, to experiment and to believe in the magic this world has to offer.

Sweet Girl, I'm Wildly Convinced You're Uncommonly Beautiful.

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