Sunday, February 18, 2018

Pioneers, Wheelchairs and Crafts

I absolutely LOVED Pioneer Day at the Scott County Park mini-Living History Farms when I was in 4th grade.  Everything from the clothes, the authentic sack lunch and the games. 

I didn't mention that along with everything else Valentines Day 2018 came with, Maisie had Little House on the Prairie Day at school.

She was wishy washy about dressing up, but after Grandma offered to make her costume she all aboard.

And as we're strolling down memory lane, who could forget the yellow ottoman in the basement that when flipped on it's side became a wheelchair?  
Unknowingly I purchased an ottoman from online garage sales about a year ago.  It didn't take the kids long to discover it was also a wheelchair just waiting to be discovered.

We've begun a new chapter in our life.  It's called daily crafting.  And when someone discovered she didn't get to participate in the Bob Ross painting lesson, volcanos were a quick solution.  

 Painting class...

So without further explanation, let me introduce you to Maisie and My YouTube Channel.  
It's called Fun, or Not Fun.  We evaluate toys, games, crafts, etc to determine whether they are 'fun or not fun'.  We aired our first episode this afternoon (as I'm battling a stomach virus of some sort and take to take a tiny cleanup break halfway through).  

You will see our first episode posted in a separate post.  Please subscribe to our channel and follow.  As Maisie informs me, the more followers you can get, the more money you make.  She's honestly hoping to become famous enough for Squishy Manufacturers to send her squishies to evaluate.

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