Monday, February 5, 2018

Squishy Galore

The mall is a funny place.  I remember being a kid and wishing I could live the mall and own all it's contents.  As I got older I quickly learned the mall is an over-priced, ever changing beast who lures in teenage girls who are desperate to spend their babysitting money.  

So when our teenage neighbor mentioned the mall had a squishy kiosk, Maisie and Molly decided we needed to investigate. 
The photos are actually from our second visit to the kiosk.  The first time I got suckered into buying Maisie the 'milk carton' squishy.  
In true mall-fashion, the place is crazy expensive and the two ladies running the kiosk seemed sketchy and distracted, so we took the opportunity to squeeze EACH squishy at least twice.

Then Molly had to go potty 'really bad'.  We took a restroom break before going BACK to the squishy kiosk for 5 more minutes.  
And yeah, it's flu season.  I can't help but wonder how many skanky hands have been squishing those squishies.
Honest confessions from the mother of a squishy lover.

However, the girls were invited to a birthday party and took part in a sour candy challenge.  And no, I wasn't the random mom who hung-out during the party to cause extra stress on the hosting mom.  
I was asked to stand and help with the pizza.

Molly's face during the challenge cracked me up.

The way this girl has cracked her shell in the past couple months has been incredible.  It's like a part of her that's been hidden has finally broke through and it's radiant.  She's fun, has a quirky sense of humor, loves to be involved, is making more and more friends, is going out for soccer in the spring and believe it or not, is a people person (not necessarily outgoing), but she's getting there.

And Sid the Science Kid is still at it.
Today was an early out due to snow, so we drove out to Winterset for gelatin, pineapple and Tonic Water. 
Seriously, through hell or high-water, We Will Do Science.

Earlier this week this kids asked if they could get chocolates for Valentines. 
I responded, 
"ONLY if Aldi's sells chocolates.  Ross, if Aldi's sells Chocolates, want me to pick you up a package for Cadi (with a D)?"
There was no comment, only a sigh.

However, Molly found her Valentines at Aldi's on Sunday and already has them ready to go.  

Incase I wasn't clear about Maisie's love affair with Squishy's she came home with this worksheet from the 100th day of school.

Have I mentioned how much I love this kid?

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