Thursday, March 1, 2018

Cooks and Leaders

 What in the world would have these two face-down on the ottoman?  

Maisie reading Peppa Pig aloud before school, of course!

This little love bug in the green kitchen got to participate in the Child Development 2 activity today.  They're learning about multiple intelligence lesson plans and one of the lessons involved teaching children to make Puppy Chow!  I actually made them bark as they walked out of my classroom with powdered sugar faces and bags of puppy chow.
Yep, I'm recruiting students for 2022...

We've got a lot of practice to do before we can pull off dishes like the ProStart students produced Tuesday at Hy-Vee Hall.  I took my Culinary Students to observe for the day, and I'm anxious to bring the program to my curriculum.  
Mom- the Davenport photo is for you ;)

But you gotta start somewhere.  I went cold-turkey cooking breakfast for the boys. I gave a lesson packed with encouragement to build confidence, and a 'cook-or-starve' mentality, and off they went!
Turns out their survivors.

And teachers and leaders!
Still trying to get Jayson to pee standing up.
There are just some things I'm not able to teach...

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