Monday, August 13, 2018

Molly's birthday!

Apparently, Molly is 8 now?
Seems like just yesterday I was dialated to 4 and Mike took me for an evening jeep ride up Clarks Tower road to 'bounce her out' the night before she was born.  
8 years later, we celebrated with a trip to Adventureland.

I still don't understand the lure of the Raging River.  Stand in line 45 minutes to spin around in a boat and maybe get splashed.  The railing next to the exit is filled with tiny green spiders and the workers at this ride are cranky. 
But we did it regardless.

I sort of worried Jay was gonna pass out on the Starfall ride.  He loved it until the first full circle which makes your body feel like your organs are in the wrong spot.  Like if I had balls, they'd no longer be in position.  This was probably Jay's first experience with this dropping feeling.

Molly and I tackled The Monster Roller Coaster for the first time, as did Mike, Maisie and Yashoda. Definitely the scariest ride I've ever been on.

The girls weren't ready to leave when we were, so Yashoda and cousin John invited the girls to stay the night at their house.  I'm confident I couldn't have planned a better ending to her birthday if I'd tried.

And then there's Ross who's become a part-time resident around here.  He spent half the week camping, boating and tubing at Lake Red Rock with friends.

He's a little confident on a tube.

Until his shorts fall off.

He and a buddy are also working on fixing up a Go Cart. 
They've got a pretty good coach to help them out.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Molly! I love the accent wall color in your living room!
