Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ready or Not!

The race is on.
Last weekend I was in nesting mode.  
But not for a baby, thank the Lord.  
It was my 'last chance workout' before the craziness of fall semester.  
This always involves massive amounts of food prep to get us through the week.  
Ross started football and Maisie has joined the school choir.
My freezer was stocked for about a week- yet sadly, it only lasts about a week.

It was also prep-time for my college classes.  I'm on an 18 month program to earn my masters degree in FCS through Eastern Illinois University.
With my current class schedules, I'm preparing my mind to live in a filthy house, sit on toilet seats with sticky urine drops, step on dried spaghetti and wrinkly grapes on the kitchen floor and eat scraps off kids plates for the next year.  But it's what I signed up for, therefore on 
Saturday I wrote a paper which included the words, 'pubic, gonads, breast buds and ejaculation'.  

In other news, class has started at I-35.
I'm fairly confident Fort Night, Minecraft, Musically and Audrey and Jordans YouTube channel are at a loss without us.
It's a positive.
Trust me.

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