Sunday, May 19, 2013

Basketball Fever

He's been itching to get one of these for a while now.  It all started several months ago when his buddy showed him some moves at recess. You know, spins, zig zags, little hops... you get the idea. 
Discussions of whether Air Jordan is a person or a brand, whether wearing mesh shorts makes you look a  real basketball player and what it takes to become a professional athlete can be overheard at our house these days. 

Pay no attention to the baby crib on the court. 

He's never shown an interest in organized sports and therefore, we've never pushed.  Call it the 90's or awkward teenage years, but all I remember from my basketball days was fouling, missing crucial free throws, awkward zone defense, nasty b-o-infused jerseys, bunions and secretly hoping nobody would pass me the ball so I wouldn't have the opportunity to screw-up.
Well times have changed and I've decided I like basketball now.  I truly think it's because of who I get to play with.  It's with this kid whose Papa put a basketball hoop up for him Saturday. 

He may as well have hung the moon.

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