Sunday, May 12, 2013

Omaha Zoo

There's nothing quite like being 5-years-old and riding the Carousel at the Omaha Zoo.

Unless your two-years-old and the whole idea is freaking you out. 
Luckily Daddy is around to hold you tight.
Then again, there's nothing quite like being 7-years-old and watching a monkey poop right in front of you. 
Odds are Ross won't remember the gorillas, the rhinos, the lions or the giraffes; yet something tells me he's never gonna forget being being lucky enough to watch the monkey poop. 
I pray I never forget the sound of the hysterical laughter that ensued. 


  1. I think there's nothing so special as your mom forgetting you're 5 ;-)

  2. Sheesh, you got me! I've fixed it:) Too little sleep, too much chlorine in my eyes and too much wine. Just another day in the life...

    1. I thought it was perfect! It quietly gives insight in to the zoo experience from the eyes of the mom ;-)

  3. Laura said, "OOOh, that monkey needs vaseline...A lot of vaseline!"
