Friday, May 31, 2013

Our Retirement Surprise

What did you say?
Grandma Boyd is retired?
The kids surprised Grandma on her last day of school by escorting her out of the building at the end of the day.
10 minutes prior...
While corralling the kids behind a door where we wouldn't be seen, I got the sneaking suspicion this wasn't going to go as planned.  Perhaps it was the fact that Ross kept crawling around on his hands and feet like an orangutan, or that Maisie kept making hysterical screeching noises and that Molly's Tootsie Pop got stuck in her hair.  I began to question how long I could hold them there.  You can only whisper the ABC's 10 times in a row so many times.  That's when the principal came back and whispered "I'm expecting her in my office any minute.  Once she's down here, give me 5 minutes with her." 
That could only mean one thing. Time for charades and sign language.   
Somehow or another they pulled it off.  Ross and Maisie took a bouquet of flowers to Grandma and told her they would be walking her out of the building. 
Within minutes, Ross and Maisie were running down the hall to Ross' old classroom where Mrs. Vaughn gave him an exercise ball, colored pencils and markers to take home.  Grandma managed to come find us, and basically walked us out.  We got Grandma to her car just in time for Ross to remember Grandma promised him the radio she had packed in her car and we would now be taking home not only the exercise ball, but also a radio.  That's when Maisie swung Molly around the sidewalk and Molly landed in the mud as the markers and colored pencils fell out of their boxes and rolled down the sidewalk.  Molly went home without pants on and a mud mask covering her legs while Ross carried his new radio and I carried muddy pants and flip flops.  As I turned back to Cindy,who was helplessly watching this ordeal unfold, something told me it was worth it.

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