Thursday, May 23, 2013

Farewell Preschool

It started with a squeal at 6:23 a.m.  Sure enough, it was Maisie and there was no telling what had just happened.  Did her band-aid fall off… did she need to pee… were her pajamas twisted… did the cat wander into her room… did she find a tick…there’s no telling with this girl, all we knew was that she was squealing.
Me: Good Morning Sugar Plum!   Everything okay in here?
Maisie: Today is my last day of school!?
Me: Yep.  Today’s the day!  Are you excited?
Maisie with more squeeling:  Yes, I can’t believe this!
Me: Tomorrow, you will be a kindergartener! You have Kindergarten clinic tomorrow.
Maisie: What do you do at Kindergarten Clinic?
Me: Well, I think you do kindergarten activities, play and meet new kids.
Maisie: whew.
Me: What did you think you would do?
Maisie with an eyeroll: running. 
After choosing a fabulous dress for the day, applying fairy tattoo earrings and doing her hair in not one ponytail, but a ponytail at the top with a double-rubberband-twist pony tail at the bottom, she was feeling like wrapping this preschool gig up.
We slicked Molly’s hair back too- but that’s for another post.
While the breakfast chaos was underway, we heard the crash.  Yep, Maisie was on the floor with a plate of syrupy waffles falling behind her.  “MOVE!”  I yelled as Maisie ran to the other side of the kitchen crying.  Other than a small area of syrup on the hem of her dress, she was spared by the syrup, fork and waffle pieces falling on her.  Talk about ‘whew’.
The situation could have gone in so many directions at that moment; yet through it all, she handled herself with grace and dignity. 
Luckily for us, we’re dealing with a kindergartener now.  Easy peasy.  
First Day of Preschool
Last Day of Preschool...
Next stop, Kindergarten

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