Friday, May 3, 2013

Ross Boyd CIA

Tuesday evening Ross shared the news.  His class earned enough points to vote on a way to celebrate their success.  The class voted having a "Career Day".  As we rode bikes through the cemetery Tuesday evening, Ross' temper became HOT!
Ross: "I'm only 7!  How am I supposed to know what I want to be when I grow up?  I have no idea yet! I'm so pissed.  Mom, please don't make me go to school on Friday." 
I definitely didn't see an opportunity to dress-up as such an inconvenience, but Ross was clearly struggling with the idea as he slammed his bike across the cemetery path and refused to ride home. 
He finally decided to be Martin from "Wild Kratts", and make a creature-power suit out of paper before bed.  I don't need to explain how that craft turned out.
Thankfully, Grandma knows how Ross works.  Wednesday morning before school, she convinced Ross to dress-up as a Spy for Career Day.  Bingo.  He was sold and suddenly couldn't wait for career day.  It's all we heard about this week as he gathered all the spy accessories and Grandma even stopped by with a new pair of black sunglasses, a CIA I.D. with his name on it and a battery operated compass she found at her house.  He did a little dress rehearsal on Thursday just to be sure nothing was missing.

Friday morning arrived and Ross could not stop talking (what else is new).  10 minutes before Grandma arrived to pick him up for school it happened.  Molly climbed onto the counter and managed to dump a glass of milk on Ross' spy costume.  Ross bawled, I bawled, Molly bawled; luckily Mike was around to wring the milk out of the costume and get it in the dryer. 
Somehow, the costume was dry by the time he left for school. 
Somehow, he was happy.  
Somehow, we did it.

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