Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Memory

Somehow or another we made it through the week.  Definitely not a week I hope to relive anytime soon, however I truly believe we made the best of it.  Christmas morning arrived Ross was bummed he didn't get a dirt bike (mom's not ready for that yet), yet he handled it like a trooper.  Maisie got fake eye lashes (can you stand it?) and Molly fell in love with her new cowgirl boots which have fringe. 

Before long, the post gift opening lull set in.  Molly and Mike fell asleep, Maisie lost an eyelash and Ross was getting emotional and angry about anything he could think of.  Suddenly I had an idea.  Instead of sitting around moping, we were going to make a memory.
I packed a picnic of favorite snacks (hard salami and olives) plenty to drink, blankets, muck boots and Monopoly
I know!
I drove the fam out to our future house and set up the most perfect picnic spot.  It was cold, there was plenty of dried mud balls and loose nails, but we ate, drank and collected $200 each time we passed 'Go'.  We played football in the living room, checked out our new windows (which were installed Christmas Eve day) and soaked up a tiny bit of sunshine from the front porch. 
On Saturday I said goodbye to my Grandma.  During the eulogy, my cousin referred to her strength.  Not strength in muscle, but strength in pushing through hard times and making the most of the situation you're in.  While sitting in the church,  I couldn't help but recall how our Monopoly game came from her house.  I couldn't help but know deep down she somehow made sure that game would make it into our home.  I couldn't help but know she was with us Christmas Day... giving us a sliver of her strength to help us make a memory.

1 comment:

  1. I can hear her say, "You can do it, Heidi." And I know you CAN and WILL.
