Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Farm Bureau Coloring Contest

It's coloring-contest time and once again, were going for the win.  I can't help but reminisce on the coloring contest Ross and Maisie did back in '09 when Ross got so frustrated he ripped his paper up and Maisie ended up eating hers.  Oh, memories.

This year I watch as my three little munchin's fight over the colored pencils, show off for the camera... and 2 of 3 can actually stay in the lines.  Where has the time gone?!

Ross took forever to get started.  He spent a year sharpening colored pencils before beginning. He takes potential prizes very seriously.

He almost stole Molly's attention with all the sharpening business...

but then she noticed the camera and snapped out of it.

Meanwhile, this little pussycat wandered off Tuesday.  I received a call from the new owner of our old house that an orange cat was trying to get inside their house..  Lets just say, I can't say I blame him.  I keep telling Kratt, 'stay calm, this too shall pass.' 
As the photo shows, he just goes 'zen' on me. 

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