Monday, December 1, 2014

Cyber Monday

To the mom convinced she's ruined Christmas because her shopping isn't done by Cyber Monday. You moms know exactly what I'm referring to.  It's that feeling everyone has their gifts bought... except you.  You wake up Monday morning to an inbox overflowing with 75% off, 8 hours only, deals you missed, free shipping, gifts they'll love, bonus buys, 3 days only... 
You start to wonder if there will be anything left.  Your poor kids will be the only ones who don't receive Elsa Dresses, X Boxes, Dreamhouses and Ipods.  Oh the shame!  It'll probably ruin Christmas to the point your children will stop believing in Santa and therefore Christmas will never be the same.  For that matter, it may just ruin their entire childhood and they'll never forget the Christmas they didn't get open that beautiful princess gown with the cape or the X Box game they couldn't live without.
To the mom who's worried about having too few gifts under the tree on Christmas Day, so she keeps shopping to fill in the gaps.  To the mom who's afraid if she doesn't keep buying gifts, her child will think he must have been naughty. To the mom who buys gifts to keep up with the latest and greatest gadgets and feels financially strained because of the pressure.  To the mom who worries her child will be disappointed on Christmas morning because her child didn't get what she asked for. 
I know you.  Your every mother who ever wanted to give her kids a magical Christmas.  You're like me.  I've scoured ads, I've scrolled through online deals, I've been in stores and I've decided (as has Elsa) to just 'let it go".  I've ridden' this rodeo more than once and I've learned some things. So to the moms who are still atop the bull, below is my advice.
1. You're not the only one buying your child gifts.  Keep this in mind.
2. Your kids will want to play with the first few gifts they open, then they're done.  Don't go crazy, they won't notice.
3. If you have young children (3 and under), wrap-up toys your older kids no longer play with.  No brainer.
4. Just because you think a gift idea would be better or more useful doesn't mean your kid will.  If they really want that ridiculous snow globe more than anything else, buy them the snow globe and quit shopping.
5. Christmas is a hard day.  No matter how hard you try to create that magical image in your head, the hot chocolate will spill under the cabinets, something will get lost, someone will have pms and someone else will be contagious.  It's just a fact of the holiday.
6.  Last but not least, be present.  All to soon, 'this too will pass'
A week ago I was secretively trying to pry gift ideas out of my kids while we played puzzles.  It went something like this:
"Hey Molly, what would you love Santa to bring you for Christmas?" 
No response from anyone.
So I continued to dig.  "Molly, what's your favorite thing to play with?"  Her answer pretty much summed up what I already knew.
"My favorite thing is to play with is Mama".
Happy Shopping

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