Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Week

2 weeks ago I was barking about my kids not getting what they wanted for Christmas.  I was in a tizzy about not taking them to see Santa, the Christmas tree giving me endless splinters and Cyber Monday being a joke.
I didn't notice my ring was dented. 
Rewind to Christmas Day 2013, Mike surprised me with a gift.  We don't normally exchange gifts, however once in a great moon he'll buy me an expensive camera and I'll buy him a magazine subscription.  Or he'll buy me diamond earrings and I'll buy him a calculator.  You get the idea.  So last year he bought me a cross-ring and I loved everything about it.  It's nothing fancy, it's simple, clean and is a constant reminder of the big picture.
Then last week happened. 
I suppose it began with Mike having the flu... then Maverick was shot... then my Grandma died... then we were told the county is not in favor of our septic tank being installed until the ground thaws in the spring... then Mike's truck broke down.  For a while, we felt like we were part of a country song.  I guess we've been holding our breaths to see what happens next.  
But I've learned it's all how you look at it.  Yes, Maverick being taken from us was a real blow, but I wrote a heart-to-heart letter to the wife of the shooter and mailing it to her (with Ross' photo included) gave me a sense of peace.  Ross carved Mavericks name into a headstone and Mike found a beautiful place on the hillside behind our future house to bury him in some hay.  He's got a great view of the pond while his collar and tag hang from the cross Mike constructed. 
Yes, my Grandma died but she was beyond ready.  I'm relieved knowing she's finally where she's supposed to be and lived a full, healthy and happy life.  What more could one ask? 
The septic delay is something I'm still trying to wrap my brain around.  The good news is we can continue working on everything else in the meantime.  Electric, plumbing, insulation, drywall, and so on, and so forth.  No one ever said building a house was an easy process and boy were they right! 
When difficult times arise, I try to look toward God.  This week I felt God more than ever.  He's talking to us.  He's teaching us.  He asking us to trust the journey.  This week I noticed my ring was dented.  But clearly, it wasn't broken.

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