Monday, December 8, 2014

Busted Vacuum, Live Tree and Mama's Lost It

Mike's response to telling him the vacuum hose stopped releasing from the vacuum body and is now unusable...
"That's so weird, I can't believe it just broke like that." 
Me: "I know, we treat it so well and it's only been wrapped in duct tape 3 or 4 times. What gives?"
Mike:  "They just don't make vacuums like they used to." 
Apparently were now 92 years old and reminisce about the good 'ol days when vacuums never died.

Luckily for us, Mike's mom loaned us a spare...

Because my tree hadn't come home yet, I set up this one for the time being...

It used to sit on the kitchen counter in our Grimes house.  Molly did the beadwork.  I did the bow.
Stop laughing. 
The 4-H bow-making demonstration was a long, long time ago and I've forgotten.  And yes, the tree is sitting on an upside down plastic bowl for 'height'.

However, I chopped down a live Christmas tree yesterday.  It's a ditch tree, but I think it fits the theme of the house.

Don't get too jealous, I know she's super-festive but don't get me started on how prickly this thing is. 

And if it wasn't already obvious....

Mama has completely fell off her rocker.  I've decided to do a little woodworking project this winter.
This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy! (name that movie)


  1. Wally World

    Why not throw a wood working project into the mix. You're like a little elf working away.

    1. Ding,ding ding! You win! I knew you would. Just like you'd get a 'the dog peed on the sandwiches' reference from the same movie.
