Wednesday, February 4, 2015

3rd Grade

Last week Ross' crush found out he liked her.  His best friend spilled the beans in class.  So his crush asked him, "Ross, do you like me?" 
Oh Gahl!  I'm so glad I'm not in 3rd grade.  I'm mortified for him.
Ross' response, "Yes."
Ahhh, now I feel weird.
As he tells me all the gory details of the conversation, I keep a neutral face and tell him it's no big deal.  She's only the prettiest, nicest and smartest girl in his class.  Of course he likes her.  It'd be strange if he didn't. 
For the sake of convenience, I'll call the girl, Jaya.  Only for convenience though :)  Jaya has started waving at me after school each day as she passes my mini van in the pick-up line.  I am the one who cheered her on during the 3rd grade mile race to pass the 2 boys in front of her.  She passed them in the final lap and has been my buddy ever since.  That was last fall though, so not sure what's up with the recent waving spree.
Wednesday, Ross came home to tell me he now sits next to Jaya and they have the same chapstick.  I'm secretly dying inside.  He invites me into his room to help pick out his clothes for school tomorrow.   
As we weigh the options (3 UA shirt colors and 2 pant choices (the red stripe ones are out because they would clash with the blue UA shoes) I privately thank God for the moment.  In a flash, my boy will be talking to me about proposing to his wife.  He'll  show me the ring and tell me how much he loves her.  With tears in my eyes, I'll tell him how proud I am of him and what an incredible choice he's made.  I'll also be secretly thanking all the girls he's crushed on (including Jaya), knowing they've each played a part in developing him into amazing husband he will be. 
And for that, my cup runneth over.


  1. So...are they official? I'd love to throw a shower for his bride-to-be.

    1. That's so sweet of you! I'll see where they've registered😉
