Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Snow Falls

As I watch the snow falling outside our cracked windows, I can't help but imagine what the snowfall will look like from the windows of our new house.  Something tells me it will look a whole lot more beautiful than it does from where I'm sitting today. 
I know when we look back at this time, the details will have faded and our routines will have changed.  I realize this is a small chapter in the whole book and although it hasn't been the easiest one to get through, I certainly don't want to forget...
The breakfast conversations and endless stack of dirty laundry piled up by the basement door.
Ross eating Fruit Loops with a fork because we have a spoon shortage.
Maisie drinking coffee before school because she has a uti and I'm desperate for her to drink anything.
Molly convincing me to sew her a Hello Kitty Pillow because she puked on her other one.
A year from now my kids will be 10, 7 and 5. 
And the view will be so much different.

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