Friday, February 13, 2015

Orange Construction Paper and 'That' Mom

The assignment was simple.  Ross was to make a Valentines Day box for school.  Pinterest just happened to have an awesome basketball court Valentines Day box.  It didn't look terribly complicated and Ross was on board.  Luckily, I found a box at Fareway so he wouldn't have to use the Tampax box I saved for the occasion
Valentines Day Box-making day arrived, and I Ross made his box.  Unfortunately we were out of orange construction paper and I wasn't about to spend a dime on the Valentines Boxes this year.  So, we'd have a white court, an over-the-door basketball hoop and a post made from wooden utensils.  It was held together with duct tape.
Molly took my picture making the box.  We need to work on her aim since the box didn't make it in the frame.
The completed project.
The morning of the Valentines party, Mike discovered the box like this...
Luckily I had floral wire in the attic (weird) and plenty more duct tape for this dilemma. 
Turns out I should have ran to Ben Franklins for orange construction paper.  Guess who had the exact same basketball court Valentines Day Box we originally saw on Pinterest?  Yep, Chapstick Girl.  How ironic!?
In other news, I was told I can no longer drop Molly off at her classroom door.  Apparently it wasn't fair to other parents who don't come into the building without checking in at the office.  I guess I felt I was helping since it was one less kid the teachers had to help with snowpants, boots and gloves.  Plus Molly's so young, and so shy and truly needed me to walk her into her classroom everyday.  But instead, (as Aunt Heather gently told me) I was that mom.  Maybe I have babied her, maybe I have smothered her to an extent, but she is my baby so I'm blaming it on biology and maternal instinct.
My baby also knows all about texting and messaging.  Should have been my first sign.
So I quit walking Molly to her classroom.  Instead, I pay Ross a dime each day he escorts her into the building.  I know, I know.  Baby steps.
After school, she asks me if Ross can walk her again the next day...because it's so much more fun. 
And that tells me everything I need to know. 
I was, without a doubt, that mom.

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