Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Green Glitter

Wednesday started with one barfing kid and another jealous he got to miss school and she didn't.  She tried desperately to be sick herself, but after 3 tries with the thermometer and a self-gag, it just wasn't in the cards.  I convinced her she needed to be at school today because she'd probably be puking by tonight. 
That got her hopes up.
Oh, the excitement of puking in elementary school. I was able to spent the majority of the day pitching organizing craft supplies. 
Which explains the green glitter scattered throughout my house Wednesday evening.  Just as I was dumping yet another bag of vomit into the outdoor trash (There are countless frozen vomit chunks out there), I walked into an entire container of green glitter sprinkled over my kitchen floor and dining room rug, mixed with glue.  I could feel the anger rise and I'm sure my expression of disapproval showed it all.  I turned my 4 year olds proud-face into one of shame. 
But there was green glitter...everywhere!  And puke and ramen and stickers and cookie crumbs and Barbie shoes all over the house.   And then an image flashed into my mind.  Tuesday would have been my Grandma Green's 86th birthday.  Green.  Wednesday was Ash Wednesday.  'Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return'. Ecclesiastes 3:20. 
So what's a little glitter on my already nasty rug?  Why is spilt green glitter worth breaking the heart of my little girl?  Who am I trying to impress?  Answer.  It's not and Nobody.  It took me less than 3 seconds to tell my Moo I was sorry and it was okay.  I dried her tears and told her how much I love sparkles on my rugs.  It makes it more beautiful.  She smiled and within minutes was onto something else. 
I suddenly knew one day she would finish her childhood with us, move onto the next stage of her beautiful life and be gone...
I've decided I love green glitter. 

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