Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snowy Afternoon

The Elsa dress promise was not to be forgotten.  Sunday was the day, rain, snow or shine.  Maisie forced me to watch the U-tube tutorial one more time before assembling my shopping list for Ben Franklins fabric store.  They opened at noon, and I swear we were all watching the clock as the excitement built.  Maisie spent the morning touching up her nails, caking on make-up and making sure her Elsa braid was just right.  Finally the clock struck noon.
I trudged out to my van, scraped windows with snow overtop my boots.  I put the van in drive and yet the tires only spun.  I was stuck.  I used my hands to dig snow out from under each tire and tried again... really revvin' it this time.  Got 'er out while my van slid sideways into snowbank before straightening out in the street.  Woo hoo!  As I approached Ben Franklins, my heart sank.  They didn't open today.  The sidewalks weren't shoveled and there wasn't a car in sight.  Because of the weather, nothing on the square was open.  All I could picture was Maisie's broken heart and heavy eye shadow. 
Desperate times call for desperate measures.  I told Maisie the bad news, but also shared a solution.  I'd cut up some old dresses to use as material and make an Elsa dress out of what we already had in the dress-up box.  She was on board and I was up for the challenge.  Somehow, I had the exact amount of Velcro and elastic I would need in my craft supply 'caboodle'.  The amount of blue fabric available turned out be just enough and I even found a little bow that I unstitched to create straps.  Lets just say G'funk was definitely on my shoulder during this little sewing project.
Seeing herself for the first time in her Elsa Dress.


Moo was content with a dance costume and markers. 

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