Saturday, January 31, 2015

Couple O' Ideas

Nothing life shattering to report, however I have a couple o' ideas to share on this final day of January. 
First: It's no secret I have an extremely particular eater in my pack.  Apparently I'm Irish and Dog today.
We typically have leftover spaghetti meat, taco meat, sloppy Joe meat and meatloaf in our refrigerator at any given time.  We ingest very little chicken for reasons I'm not mentioning on this blog.  So, I'm constantly looking for creative ways to utilize those beef items.  
Last week I hit the jack pot with Barilla Shells!  The simplicity of this is almost embarrassing, however I don't embarrass easily, so I'm sharing. 
Here's all you do.
Mix about 3/4 cup ricotta cheese with 1/4 cup grated (the green can) parmesan and 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella.  Stuff about a tablespoon of that mixture into each cooked shell.  Then, stuff another tablespoon or two of whatever meat you have in your refrigerator.  If the meat seems dry, stir a little a little pizza or pasta sauce into the meat before stuffing.  Sprinkle with a little more cheese and ripe olives if you like, heat and ta-da!
Let's just say my pack devoured them before the head wolf stood a chance.  In my book, that's a win.
Second: I'm pretty good at art, yet I'm not a manicurist.  Therefore, when my girls asked for Elsa nails, they were pretty much doomed.  But, I realized I had metallic sharpie markers which I originally bought for soup labels before I realized they looked dumb on my labels. 
But their perfect for Elsa nails.  It must have been fate.  Here's the low-down.  Or down-low.  I can't keep up.
Blue nail polish. 2 coats (or more if she keeps dinging-up the same nail over again until it finally dries).  Take the silver metallic sharpie and dot a snowflake shape onto the center of each nail.  Ignore the wart on her pointer finger.  It's being treated with frankincense which basically means a biblical miracle is in the works.  Now if these nails don't scream Elsa, I don't know what does. 
Tomorrow... An Elsa Dress.  Fingers crossed Ben Franklins has blue silk and chiffon.
 This could get crazy!

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