Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Goose and After School

I called the local vet clinic today regarding a Girl Scout tour.  Because we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone, the vet and I got talking about Goose and Kratt.  Lets just say by the end the phone call, she and I had a solution for training Goose.  It's called a Gentle Leader. 
Google it.
I woke Goose and Molly from their naps Tuesday afternoon so I could drive them into Winterset to have Goose fitted for his Gentle Leader.  The vet spent over an hour discussing dog behavior and training with me.  She fitted Goose with the Gentle Leader and explained why it's so successful for dog training. 
All I can say is, "Wow".  This isn't an endorsement by any means, but "wow".  Goose stays behind me and doesn't pull with his Gentle Leader on.  I took him into the post office and he sat by my side as the postal worker took my package, I walked him on a sidewalk and he stayed next to my side or behind me.  We walked past houses with ankle-biter dogs yipping by their front doors (their owners standing in the doorway while smoking cigarettes and wearing pajama pants of course) while Goose stayed focused on walking beside me.  Granted, it's only been one day... but 'wow'!
Secondly, Maisie has another loose tooth.  She came home from school Tuesday and ate a hard pear to help speed the process.
I'll do what I can to yank that sucker our by morning.  I've got the touch.

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