Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekend in St. Charles

We spent our first weekend at the St. Charles resort.  We couldn't help but notice Goose found something in the woods. 
Your guess is as good as mine.  Coon?  Possum?

Perhaps a closer look at the spinal column and upper teeth help. 
Me neither.

In other news, Kratt and Goose met. The meeting occurred in St. Charles after I started feeling sorry for Kratt being all lonesome in Winterset.  Lets just say there was an incident in the pantry that didn't end well. However, everyone survived. 
More on this another time.

Sunday afternoon was made for soaking up the sun.  I snapped this picture of Ross just as he said, "If only I had a pot pie right now".
We walked through the woods to check on Maverick.  Ross dusted the snow off the headstone he carved "Maverick" into. 
Melts my heart.
Below is the house with all the windows installed.
And from across the pond.
And lastly, our Goose.  He was my running partner this morning as we hit the streets of Hickory Ridge Road.  I only fell down once.  Goose was there to help me up though.
Apparently I've got a thing for puppy eyes. 

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