Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lighting is Everything

Have you noticed it?  The sun doesn't set as early! 
The slightly longer days, combined with warmer days has let to a severe case of Spring Fever.  We've spent our afternoon hours playing baseball in the yard (life jackets and patio cushions make excellent bases), endless games of HORSE on the basketball course and a hysterical game of badmitten (using a dog chain as a net). 
I let Ross drive me around on the mule.  The air felt warm, yet crisp.  The sun was setting and the smells reminded us of spring... a combination of grass and mud.  As the sun fell on Ross' face, I couldn't resist snapping this photo of him.  A perfect moment filled with peace and calm was captured.
Lighting is everything.
Immediately after snapping the above photo of Ross, I turned behind me to capture images of the girls in the backseat. 
This is what I saw.
Maybe the ride was a little rougher than I led you to believe... maybe we were bouncing around like crazy with mud splashing with each bump we hit... maybe the look on the girls faces give it all away. 
It wasn't a peaceful ride, nor a calm one.  But one thing is for sure.  We've been having way too much fun.

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