Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Animal Duty and No School Day

Oh January, you are so cold.  And bitter.  And maddening.  But I wouldn't appreciate September without you, so I'll take your best shot.
I've got this cat whom I've decided is the best cat on the planet and I'll never like any other cat as long as I live.  With the temps we've had, Mr. Kratt has been sleeping indoors.  Strange for him.  Strange for us.  Very strange for my shins as he chooses to sleep on the foot of my side of the bed.  At least until 3:24 every morning.  That's when he decides to chew up a cardboard box next to my bed.  Or meow until I attempt to let him out into the frigid night.  But Kratt being a cat just can't decide what to do when his owner stands half naked in negative temperatures with the front door open while she silently begs him to finish his cat stretching before he finally makes his move.
Ross plays Minecraft under the dining room table while Kratt plays watch-cat.
My kids have finally reached the age where I can leave them alone for short periods of time.  This morning I returned to this.  The girls were watching PBS kids on Maisie's Ipod while smuggling generic Oreos.  While the cats away, the mice will play.
 Meanwhile, Mikes parents left for South Padre Island for the remainder of the month which means I'm in charge of Mr. Goose.  It was also a no-school day due to the cold.  I'd planned to drive into Des Moines Wednesday, but due to my mini-van being recently enrolled into hospice, I'm forced to limit my driving.  Is there a reality show for this?
But all is well.  I developed a 2-week menu plan, grocery list, clipped coupons and matched prices during my Fareway shopping trip Wednesday afternoon (while I returned to Winterset to let the cat out and get him set up until morning).
I spent $61 dollars at Fareway and saved $8 with coupons.  The plan is for these groceries to get us through at least 1-1/2 weeks.  I bought discount milk (which I froze), 4 boxes of Kelloggs Special K cereal for $1/box with coupon, the price-matched Mrs. Grimes black beans, and 3# of frozen chicken breast for $4.99 with coupon (limit 2).  I also bought other items to fulfill our menu, but you get the idea.  I've been buying my eggs from a friend who raises chickens for $1.99 a dozen. She delivers 3 dozen eggs to my door each Monday.  Her name is Darcy and I love her.  Did you know fresh eggs which haven't been washed can sit on the counter for up to a week without being refrigerated?  Apparently, fresh eggs contain a coating called 'bloom'.  The bloom protects the eggs from bacteria.  Reminds me of breastmilk, but that's just me.  Once you wash the eggs though, they need to be refrigerated because the bloom gets washed off.  Food for thought.
Upon returning to Goose duty in Saint Charles, the kids decided to go sledding.  Did I mention the temperature was 0-degrees.  I have no idea what the wind chill was.
 One trip down and poor Moo was already bawling.  Ross crashed 'em into the weeds and she didn't have her hat or gloves on... yet she had her 'nigh-nigh'.  God love her.
I know it's heartbreaking.  But I couldn't resist the photo op.
Goose waits patiently for Maisie to get to the bottom of the hill.
You talkin' about me?
Woo hoo!  She's down!
Oh, life is good.

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