Tuesday, February 17, 2015

House, Holsters, Barbies, Czech and Belly Buttons

 House progress: The HVAC is pretty much done, plumbing and electric started and bills keep arriving.  Appliances are ordered and will arrive April 29th.  Flooring and foam insulation are ridiculously expensive and were leaning toward vinyl siding. 
See, we have a pipe. 
We also have a toilet hole.
 Monday was Presidents Day.  Therefore, a no school day.  Ross had an idea to sew a gun holster.  Therefore, in honor of Presidents Day, I made my 9 year old a gun holster. Papa Boyd's old jeans were repurposed for the occasion.  I don't typically enjoy sewing, but found this project quite rewarding. 
Oh, if only I was still in 4-H.  It'd be a Trash-to-Treasure 'Considered for Champion', for sure.
When Moo isn't playing Barbies Drive To The Beach in the convertible and turn into mermaids, she's playing Temple Run on the Ipad.  Speaking of Barbies, this girl is obsessed.  She actually got her first black Barbie on Sunday off the Shopko clearance rack.  I had a guilty moment after dropping Maisie off at a birthday party and Molly in tears because she wasn't invited.  I still tear up thinking about it.  Maisie is more interested 'being' Barbie and has an addiction to heavy coats of red lipstick.  Ross can't stand it.
I've discovered I'm a lazy Barbie player.  No matter how hard I try, I just can't get into it.  I guessing it's my age.  But it could be because Heather's not playing with me.  I may never know when or why I became bad at playing Barbies.
Back in January, while staying at the St Charles Resort,  Ross was completely stressed out.  His reading group was doing a report on different countries.  He chose Czechslovakia.  And boy did he regret it.  For one, it's impossible to spell correctly without looking.  Secondly, it doesn't even exist anymore.  He was falling behind on research and the due date was looming.  He convinced Mike and I to help him find answers online before school one morning.  He smuggled those answers into his classroom without anyone knowing. 
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
And then there's this little animal.  He likes being far away from Goose and prefers to have his belly rubbed.  Maisie claimed she found his belly button this week.  I'm going with it.
Until next time...

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