Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Road Runner

Last week a friend and I were discussing 'running'.  She explained how she preferred running on a treadmill.  It's no secret I prefer running on the road.  I've always found it more interesting and the time seems to pass faster.  I especially love running through the Winterset cemetery.  Mike thinks I'm weird.  I just think I'm curious.  Always have been. 
For the past year, I've been curious what would happen when Molly went to all-day school.  This fall she'll be attending I-35 (St. Charles school district) which offers an all day preschool, while Ross and Maisie will open enroll in Winterset.  So many changes coming our way.
Out of the blue, I was notified of a Family and Consumer Science teaching position in the I-35 District.  Family and Consumer Science positions are few and far between in this area, so therefore I decided to give it a whirl.  That meant applying for my teaching license, asking for references and letters of recommendations, tracking down college transcripts, writing a resume and submitting an application.
Last week I went through the interview process and lo and behold was offered the position of I-35 FCS teacher on Tuesday afternoon. 
So here I sit, curious to know how I'll do, curious what it will be like, curious what our family schedule will turn into and curious if I'll like it. 
Regardless, I'm up for the adventure, because I'm curious. 
Turns out I'm a Roadrunner after all.

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