Thursday, May 14, 2015

11 Days

This photo was captured in June 2013 shortly before I became a stay-at-home-mom.  sahm (as I've come to learn) 
At the time, questions surrounded us. 
Financially, how would we build our house?  Where would we find affordable insurance coverage?  We assumed I'd become a substitute teacher in the fall until a full-time position opened up.  But did that make sense?  A dual-income family was all we knew and breaking away from that was awfully scary.
During those uncertain times, our faith grew tremendously.  We put our trust in God and let Him lead us to where He wanted us to be.  We're not Bible-thumpers by any means, however when we put our trust in God things naturally fell into place on their own. 
Turned out I loved be a sahm.  Mike's job took off, insurance coverage worked out and our house finally sold when it was supposed to.  Being home all day together, Molly and I grew close and I wouldn't trade the bond we have for anything. 
There are truly things money can't buy.  Being home for my kids before/after school and in the summers is one of those.
Thursday morning Ross told me, "11 days mom". 
'Huh", I asked.
11 more days till schools out.
11 more days of just Moo and I.  11 more days of being a sahm to a child whose not in school full-time.
I could be pissed.  Pissed I spent so many of those years sitting behind a desk working.  Pissed that I didn't get any sahm years with Ross or Maisie.
But, today I'm choosing gratitude instead.  Gratitude I had the sahm years I did.  So many don't.  Gratitude I worked when they were little (it's no secret I didn't have the patience to be home with all 3 of them when they were little anyway) which also helped with funds to continue our plan to build.  Gratitude for the experiences of being both a 'working mom' and a 'sahm'.  I see both sides and 'I get it'. 
I recently watched Molly get out of the shower insisting she wear my Turbo Twist hair dryer.  Just like that, she's so grown up.  She's getting ready to leave my side and move on to bigger adventures she'll encounter once she begins all-day preschool this fall. 
As this chapter of my story ends and another chapter begins, I know I'll look back at these pages with nothing but joy and gratitude.

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