Friday, May 8, 2015

Satuday Morning

It's that time of year again.  Ross discovered a nest of baby kittens born in a window well of an uninhabited home down the street.  The kittens appeared to be around 3-4 weeks old and naturally adorable.  Ross placed weeds and shrubbery around the window well, doing everything in his power to enhance their shelter while keeping a  watchful eye for any danger.  His own mama's been known to take in stray kittens and knows he secretly hoped they were motherless for his own gain.  As I'm sure you're more than familiar with from last years kitten post.  One of my more depressing posts, however this blog is real life; it's not always rainbows and lollipops.
This time it was different though.  This time the mama-cat showed up.  We named her Dove.  Ross named the kittens, Crunch, Hershey, Butterfinger, Cocoa and Snickers.  He's always had a thing for chocolate.
Dove sits in the window well and nurses her babies.  Dove growls and hisses if anyone gets too close.  When Dove leaves, Ross takes the kittens out and plays with them.  Dove sits in a nearby bush and lets him.  Ross told me Monday morning he wished he was one of the kittens because it looked like a Saturday morning in the window well.  When I asked what that meant, he explained how the mama was just laying around and the kittens were having a little milk, it just looked really comfortable... like a Saturday morning.
Ross took an old pillowcase to place in the window well so the kittens would have a soft place to sleep.  He goes down every morning to shake the pillowcase out and check on the kittens.  Many times Dove was busy nursing her babies when he arrived, so he sat and watched.  She stopped growling and hissing at Ross; but not at the girls or I.  Ross wanted to do everything in his power to make sure the kittens survive and have good lives.
Ross told me if he blinks at Dove, she'll blink back.  He told me blinking is cat language for "I love you". 
I had no idea.

This blog post was going to end there.  However, on Thursday night Ross discovered the kittens were no longer in the window well.  He thought he saw Dove in the bushes walking the other direction (but it was dark and he wasn't positive it was her).  I comforted him by telling him Dove probably moved her babies and all was well.

At school Friday, he found out otherwise.  His friend told him neighbors called an animal rescue center to pick up the kittens.  After school in the mini-van, he told me all about it as his chin quivered.  As he recalled Dove looking for her babies in the bushes the previous night he became hysterical with sadness.  My heart shattered for him.  He knew those kittens needed their mama.

My hearts grown softer with age and I was 100% prepared to locate the animal rescue center, adopt 5 kittens and take them back to Dove. 
What has happened to me?

During the search and rescue mission, I learned the kittens were picked up by a program called Street Tails.   It's a program that rescues strays, fixes them, vaccinates them, microchips them and treats them for fleas.  Wow!

I realized those kittens hit the jackpot!  However, Ross was still grieving for Dove which is why I contacted Street Tails to let them know our concern and ask if they took the mother as well.  If my prayers are answered, Dove is nursing her babies and snuggling like a Saturday Morning.

We may never know the outcome, but as Mothers Day approaches, all the little gifts and cards my kids make tell me someone else told them it's appropriate to give your mom something on Mothers Day. 
I think it's bogus. 

Lets just say Ross told me how much he values mothers Friday afternoon in the mini-van after school.
I believe last years kittens were placed in our lives for a reason.  It gave my kids a way to recognize God's in charge of everything, and Mama's are important.  No matter what we can do as caretakers or pet owners, nothing compares to the maternal love of a mama...


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