Monday, May 25, 2015

Little Milestones

A year ago I thought, "Gee, if only some dirt work would start"  Then it did.

9 months ago I thought, "If only the house were framed"  Then it was.

6 months ago I thought, "If only the house was roofed and windows installed"  Then they were.

3 months ago I thought, "If only the electric, plumbing and insulation were in.  Then they were.

2 weeks ago I thought, "If only the house was drywalled and sided.  By the end of this week it will be.

I'll soon be anxious for the painting, then cabinets, a deck, the garage door, the trim and the floors.  However, the ironic thing about houses, is they're never totally done.  There will always be more.

Perhaps I should say "If only we could close on our mortgage and move in." 

But then again, on that day my mind will probably be distracted with thoughts of landscaping, organization systems and how on earth to clean my windows. 


There will always be something.

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