Wednesday, May 27, 2015


We've smashed ants, swatted flies, stomped beetles, ripped tails off lightening bugs, squished spiders and tore worms.  All without a second thought.
Yet when a creature appears with a disability, we suddenly join the 'save the bug commission'.
Maisie recently came to the aid of an ant.  It had two broken legs and she was mostly concerned how it would find food.  Naturally.
She decided to built an ant habitat and asked me to make food for the ant.  
I made a sugar-water solution and helped her pour it into the leaves for the wounded ant.  Yes, I knew I'd be following up with terro, but that's for another day.
This day was about teaching Maisie a compassionate heart and doing her part to help others could actually make a difference.
The lesson was never about the ant anyway.

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