Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Maisie's been begging to bake a cake off the Strawberry Shortcake App for nearly a year.  I kept saying 'no', because the recipes are from 'scratch'.  Betty Crocker would be easier, faster, less messy and probably taste better.
Sunday morning she broke me. I told her to bake the dang cake.  However, she would have to do it herself.  I was already knee-deep in the kitchen making dog treats, soup, bread and sandwiches for the week. 
She didn't hesitate, probably for fear I'd change my mind.

The recipe called for 4 eggs and 2 cups sugar. 
I bit my tongue in order to keep my mouth shut.
The recipe (below).
Apparently Molly was her official taste tester.
After the cake baked and cooled, she insisted on frosting it.  There went another lb of powdered sugar and stick of shortening.  Sheesh.
I knew deep down, she wasn't going to like this cake.  I knew these ingredients would go to waste and it was all I could do to let her continue.
Yet, I also knew my mom let me bake my heart out in her kitchen, using whatever ingredients I could find.  I actually went on a hunt for pop when the 'Crazy Cake' recipe I was following called for 'soda'.
Life is full of lessons to be learned and experiences to experience. 
So, I let her bake.  Did anyone like the cake?  Nope. 
Did it go in the trash 2 days later because no one would touch it?  Yep. 
 Did she bake her very first cake by herself? 
You better believe it.

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