Wednesday, June 17, 2015


On our way to Papa and Grandmas house the other day, Maisie told me the contents of her purse.  Of course there was a dead cell phone, a Hello Kitty wallet filled with birthday money, lots of lip gloss, toilet paper and muffin mix.  I understand the muffin mix (you just never know), but the toilet paper threw me off.  Maisie explained, "This is for if I have to pee outside".  
She's becoming so independent.

Mikes been struggling with a blister on the back of his heel.  He got it from the rental shoes at his sisters wedding.  In fact, he wound up at the doctor the week after the wedding when he noticed red streaks coming from the wound. 
It's healing normally, however we're fresh out of band-aids... again.  Molly's going through an endless Band-Aid phase. 

I found a used, regular-size Band-Aid in the trash that looked pretty clean.  It was the last regular size Band-Aid in the house.  I was able to scrounge up 3 of the generic yellow ones to hold it on. 
You gotta do what you gotta do!

1 comment:

  1. Here's a tip for future shoe break-ins....Body Glide! Works like a damn charm. I use it when I go barefoot in sandals/ballet flats, but also before a long walk/run with new shoes (or when you haven't trained quite as much as you should....) Great for the achilles, pinky toes, top of foot -- rub it in everywhere!
