Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sunny and Dukes

Tuesday morning I drug the kids away from 'Good Luck Charlie' on Netflix (The summer chore chart only lasts so long) and told them we were going to the park. 
I figured the playground would be empty and the kids needed some fresh air which ironically seems to be clouding-up the atmosphere these days. 
While at the park, the kids wandered down to Ross' hideout while I read a book on a bench.  The hideout's a huge bush Ross climbs into and becomes surrounded with shrubbery. 
Apparently, that's fun for kids.
I suddenly heard the kids screaming something about Kratt. 
I sighed, closed my book and walked down toward the hideout.  Sure enough, the kids found a kitten.  Again.  However, this one was orange and looked just like Kratt but prettier.  It was a girl kitten and appeared to be very friendly and extremely thin.
The girls were squealing with excitement as Ross began talking a mile-a-minute trying to determine what we were going to do.  I couldn't leave her in the bush to die, so I told the kids to get her in the minivan. 
I drove her home and we watched her eat like she's never been fed.  We played with her, held her, Ross named her Sunny and I could tell he was hoping I'd let him keep her.  But, once again, the timing just wasn't right.  I called Street Tails where a woman from our church came to pick her up and will have her spade, vaccinated, micro-chipped and adopted. 
Although it was hard for Ross to say goodbye to Sunny, he also knew we saved her. 
Once Sunny left, I took the kids to the pool.  I wasn't terribly concerned about sunburn as the sun is practically invisible these days.  We swam about 45 minutes before the pool was evacuated.  Apparently, it had been evacuated earlier in the afternoon as well.  The cause? 
Loose Turds floating in the water.
The pool has to be evacuated for 30 minutes when someone takes a duke in the pool.  I had no interest in jumping back in after 30 minutes, so we left.
And with that... it's been a day.

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