Saturday, June 6, 2015

Streets of Heaven

Of all the things in this world I don't understand, why my Grandpa spent the December of his life fighting a cruel case of Parkinson's is one of the toughest. 
Grandpa got his wings Thursday and there's not a doubt in my mind he's been riding his bike down the streets of heaven ever since.  Laughing with friends, giving Grandma a kiss and sharing a cup of coffee with his parents. 
I'm choosing to remember my Grandpa the way he was 15 years ago.  Always with a smile, a major sweet tooth, a great outdoorsman, a woodworker, serious bike rider, quick with a joke and said with each hug, 'that was the best hug I've had all day!'
Below is a photo of my Grandpa with my Dad.
Below my Grandpa gives my Dad his first haircut
Below Grandpa plays outside with Heather and myself
Always happy and a little silly.
When I was a freshman in college, Grandpa wrote me lots of letters.  The one below is my favorite.  It's a pep talk not only for what I was struggling with at the time... but a pep talk for life. 
Knowing now what he was about to embark on, makes it even more significant to me.
It's full of encouragement and love. 
I believe that's what Grandpas are all about.
Blessed to have known him, doubly blessed to call him Grandpa.


  1. Poignant, wise and beautiful. What a treasure. Sending prayers to you and your family as you mourn your Grandpa. Love, Jill
